Tuesday, December 13, 2011

CWC Reflection

I think I was successful in my CWC since I couldn’t get in contact with my client very often during the creation of the documents. I didn’t have a guide so I just made up all the documents with what I thought was appropriate and what reflected well on the organization. I think I was really successful with the design documents that I created. I liked not having restrictions on my designs and that I didn’t have to go off of someone else’s previous work.

The writing documents were not as successful as the design documents because I didn’t have that guide from my client of what I should write. I wasn’t familiar with the details of the organization when I first got in contact with Mary, but I did research on their website and talked to coaches to gain a better understanding of the organization. I think the hardest document for me to write was the email letter to their sponsors. I didn’t know how to write it without sounding needy. But I still feel like I accomplished not sounding that way, but I’m sure it will be difference once I get feedback from my client.

The one challenge that I faced was not being in contact with my client as much as I wanted to be. I overcame them by just being creative and not having someone what me what I can and can’t design. Like I said before it would’ve been nice to have that structure when it came to the writing documents, but for the design ones I liked creating everything myself.

Axis Freeride’s primary audience is athletes and parents. Their secondary audience is sponsors and donors. I feel like I made my documents for the audience as a whole. They are very informative documents, some less formal than others, but I think they all look professional enough to go to the sponsors and donors. And they are easy enough to read and understand for the parents and athletes. I feel like my documents really make Axis Freeride shine and stand out from all the other freeride organizations in Park City.

If I could do it over again I would’ve definitely gotten in contact with Mary earlier than I did. I would’ve met with her more times than I did and gotten as much information about the organization as I could from her. I think my timing of getting in contact with her was off. She is a mother and an active member of Park City and was very busy with fall events when I contacted her.

If I could do any of my documents over again I think it would be the third flyer. It’s too simple and it is the only one that doesn’t look professional. I think I would search online to find examples of flyers to help give me a base idea of what I could do for my flyer.

I think I deserve an A-. I feel like I worked really hard for what I had and it was hard knowing that no matter how many times I called or emailed Mary she probably wasn’t going to get back to me. I think I did a good job at creating documents from scratch for an organization that I wasn’t fully familiar with.

Friday, November 18, 2011

CWC Interview

1. The interview went well. Mary was very willing to help me out and give me everything that I needed for the project. She was excited and that made me excited to work for her and create something new for the organization.

2. I prepared by knowing that I needed for the project instead of being unprepared and not knowing what to tell her. She appreciated that I was prepared.

3. One thing that went well was that I didn't know if she would be willing to give me everything that she needed and the fact that she gave me everything really helped. Another thing was that since she was excited about what the final result would be it made me excited to work for her and the organization and I'm doing dreading the project :)

4. The only thing that could've gone better was the communication before the interview. Mary had been involved with a couple community events and wasn't able to respond in a timely fashion so that was really annoying. I had to stalk her, I felt bad, but at least she responded and was still willing to give me everything that I needed.

5. The questions were very useful because they helped me get to know Mary's organization and what they're all about. Also the questions help me learn what Mary expected.

6. All my questions were pretty useful. It was a good interview.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The 6 Steps

Technically professional writing is an art when you think about a professional document according to the 6 steps, but I on the other hand don't consider professional writing an art.

I understand that professional writing includes the Understanding Comics and also all forms of writing where the author is getting paid, but when I think of professional writing I just think about legal documents and just boring professional documents that have to be written by professional writers.

To me stuff like that I don't consider art. I know art comes in many forms, but this is one thing that I just don't consider art.

I need to improve my professional writing by being more professional. Right now I am too relaxed and sometimes not on top of my responsibilities and that just needs to change. If I am going to work for someone in the future and have coworkers then I need to be more dependable and responsible

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

University Usability

Brendan--San Diego State University

Greek Life: 57.4 seconds to find the greek life section on the website
Tuition: 31.3 seconds.

I asked Brendan to find greek life and tuition on the website. I expected him to find it a lot faster than he did but he was using his iphone so he didn't go as fast as I thought he would. Actual results are above.

My conclusion that every college websites are pretty easy to get around.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Team Report Reflection

I think our group was successful. I felt like we were successful because we all got along and because of that we were all willing to put effort into our assigned sections of the project. Also, we all thought our idea was a really good one so that made it easier to want to do the work for the project.

In the beginning two huge challenges were that one, some of the group were unable to meet at the designated times so that made it challenging because we had to be in contact by email, which was fine, but got a little confusing at times. Also, another challenge we faced was someone not stepping up and being the leader of the group because we definitely needed some guidance and a push in the right direction.

By the end of the project I think our biggest challenge was that people got lazy and forgot about deadlines and it became one person doing a lot of the work. I think the reason people got lazy was because the deadlines kept getting pushed back and then no one could remember what was due when. We had to keep reminding each other and it just got a little tense at one point.

We overcame the 2 challenges from the beginning because one we finally realized that we don't need to do every part of the project with everyone in the group. People ended up breaking off and doing their own part which helped because not all of us had time to do everything together. This worked out well for us because it ended up being easier to put everything together in the end. We also stayed in contact over email and everything we had we sent to each other. Everyone was always on the same page. I think Gary finally stepped up to guide and help us get to where we needed to be. He made sure that we gave him everything at one time so that he could put everything together and make it look professional.

As for the last challenge I don't think we overcame it, but fortunately the project is pretty much over. Like I said before I think the deadlines had a lot to do with this last challenge. In the beginning we had everything done by each deadline, but once they all started getting pushed back we started getting more lazy and forgetting about them.

My contributions to the project were helping with the survey and writing up the Solutions section of the proposal. I think I was successful. Gary did all the editing for the proposal and I'm pretty sure didn't change much of my section.

I don't think I would do anything differently. I was very happy with the group and all of their contributions and I think we did the best that we could in the time given. I think I would probably try and step up more and put more effort into the project.

I would give my team an A because not only did we work well together as a team but we also worked with all the challenges that we faced. I think everyone made an effort to make our proposal look and sound professional.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Genre: young adult
Audience: young adults, women, or who ever wants to read it
Plot: my experiences through life with family, friends, men, and travels

First line:
I ran to the door to stop him, but he was already gone.

Monday, October 24, 2011

What I need to know

I think the only thing I'm concerned with is the resume/cover letter that we have to do. The type of job that I could see myself applying for is the type of job that I have no experience in. With that being said, I don't really know how I should make my resume relevant to the job. I guess this makes me question how to start in the business to work up to the job that I would eventually like to have.

For the team project I don't really have any questions that I need to know as far as what to do. My group and I has had a pretty good idea of what our objective was since the beginning and when we've had questions about what we needed to know we've figured it out within the group.

For the CWC documents, I don't have any questions yet. To be honest, I'm still pretty behind in this assignment so once I catch up then I will start asking questions.